What we are doing and Why we are doing it
God is real! He created and sustains the universe. He communicates. He is our reward. We look to Him. We are a fellowship chosen by Him, redeemed by Him and loved by Him. He knows the number of hairs on each of our heads. He gives us the courage to walk His way. He gives us the honesty to speak His truth. He gives us the power of His life. So, we keep looking up to Him – our Creator, Redeemer and King, our Righteous Judge and Friend.
People matter to God, so people matter to us. God loves sinners. Jesus redeems rebels. The Holy Spirit draws people to himself. When He returns in glory His people will gather “from every tribe, every nation, every language under heaven.”
Jesus was right, we find life by giving our lives away. So we reach out: loving our families, our neighbors, and our enemies. We persuade people in public. We speak truth to people in power. Following Christ is personal, not private.
God’s words are more important than man’s words. At Grace, we spend a lot of time with the Bible. Our pastors, elders and teachers know that God’s Word is a treasure and a gift. It is our privilege and responsibility to study what God has done in history, what he inspired the authors to write, and how that message applies to our lives today.
We are people of the Book. Scripture is our authority.
We want to live with enough integrity that we can say, “be like us;” but, we want you to know Him. We invite you to walk with us; but, we want you to follow Him. We welcome members who join our congregation; but we celebrate repentant sinners who become members of the body of Christ.
His grace is greater than all of our sin. His mission is our commission. His power sustains creation. His love overwhelms us. His truth frees us.
We are Jesus’ people. We invite you to come grow together with us… by His grace, and for His glory!
Join us and explore the Lord's wisdom with us. Many hearts united for one goal.
605 Meadowcrest Rd,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Sunday School • 9:30 am
Sunday Worship • 10:40 am
Youth Group • Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm
Bible Study for Men • Saturdays @ 7:00 am