Buddy Schoch - Head Deacon

Buddy has humbly served as chair of the deacon committee since 2022 and enjoys helping to meet the needs of the body. Buddy and his wife Ashley have been married for 12 year and have four sons. They have been members of Grace since 2011. Like many others, Buddy considers Grace part of his family and appreciates the biblically grounded teaching as well as the spirit of fellowship within the congregation. In his free time, Buddy enjoys watching his boys play sports or any of their other many activities, traveling with his family, and going to the shooting range. 

Cindy Marsman - Missions Deacon:

Cindy is serving as the Missions Deacon, and is blessed to serve with the missions committee to stay up to date with the physical and prayer needs of the missionaries and ministries that Grace supports . She and her husband Dan have been married for 41 years and have been members of Grace for over 20 years. They have 3 adult children that grew up at Grace and now are blessed with 6 wonderful grandchildren.

Chuck Arn - Facilities Deacon

While serving as the Facilities Deacon, is very grateful for all the help he receives from so many knowledgeable and willing Grace members. In the past, he has also served in roles on the finance team. Chuck and Valerie have been married for 36 years and have been members of GEFC for more than 3 decades. All three of their daughters grew up at Grace.

Steve Bruesewitz - Finance Deacon

Steve is serving as the Finance Deacon, and is thankful to work with the finance committee to manage the church budget, income, and expenses.   He and his wife Lara have been married for 33 years and have 3 adult children.  He and Lara have been attending Grace for over 30 years.  Steve enjoys hiking, disc-golfing, bicycling, reading, playing board games, and rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers."

Melissa Severance - Hospitality Deacon

Melissa and her husband David have been at Grace for 10 years. Married 25 years, they are the parents of three sons, three daughters, and one grandson. They have enjoyed opening their home in Ross Township for various church gatherings, including baptisms, as well as hosting a small group. Melissa has been involved in planning women’s retreats and events and currently helps with Grace Girls where she has taught lessons in etiquette and culinary knife skills. She is especially fond of co-teaching VBS. As much as she delights in being with people, she takes great pleasure in solitude, enjoying the rare day when she finds herself at home alone with a good book by the fire. 1 Peter 1:22-23 resonates with her regarding hospitality. It says, “Since you have purified your souls in obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brothers and sisters, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.”

Amy Lutz - Assimilation Deacon

A member of Grace for over 20 years, Amy has enjoyed her Deacon role of planning events and activities to bring the church family together as well as enfold new visitors into the body.  She plans the annual Father/Daughter dance, Christmas Party as well as organizing the Card Ministry which sends birthday, anniversary cards to the congregation.  Besides her Deacon responsibilities, she teaches the 2-4 year old Sunday School class, is chair of the Women’s Retreat Committee, organizes the Chili Cookoff/Dessert Auction, a fundraiser for the Youth Mission Trip, and is Co-Director of the VBS.  She and her husband of 42 years, Pastor Eddie, believe that families should minister together and have lived that out with their 4 grown children and 8 grandchildren.  Amy has her own business, Word Travels LLC, whose main focus is to bring Motorcoach groups to visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky.  In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and vacationing with family.  One of her favorite verses is Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Scott Rice - Congregational Care Deacon

I’m thrilled to be Deacon of Congregational Care at GEFC. It’s a privilege to be able to serve the Lord this way in a church with such wonderful people. My career was in landscape design, and I’m still an enthusiastic gardener. I was married to Kathy Rice for thirty years. We had one son - Tim. After her passing in 2020, I married Madonna in 2023. Now in addition to Tim, I have 4 more adult sons and daughters, along with seven grandchildren.

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